CDRIN is a collaborative cross-Canada network with the mission to create and share knowledge that leads to more effective prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of depression and depression-linked illnesses and leading ultimately to a reduction in stigma.
People participating in CDRIN range from researchers, clinicians (of many professions), people with lived experience of depression, families and caregivers, educators, interested members of the general public and more.
CDRIN is a partnership between Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC,) the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and The Royal’s Research Institute, the University of Ottawa Institute Of Mental Health Research (IMHR).
CDRIN is also actively engaging international partners and utilizing their mature organizational structures to ensure that knowledge is shared globally. These collaborations will ensure there is a deeper world understanding of depression, its causes and its treatments.
The Government of Canada has contributed $5 million over the next five years, beginning in 2013. This funding will be used to establish the Network and to bring together leading minds from across the nation.
An additional $200,000 has been provided to Mood Disorders Society of Canada by the Government of Canada to develop specialized education (known as Continuing Medical Education or CMEs) for family physicians and others.
Origins of CDRIN
The official launch occurred on January 29, 2013, with the signing of a Contribution Agreement between Health Canada and the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC).