Next Generation Researcher Training


Barbara Everett Ph.D., Lead Researcher for the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, with the direction of an Expert Panel, developed this education curriculum with the objective of preparing Next Generation Researchers with the knowledge of collaborative research in working with people with lived experience of depression and caregivers.

Young male researcher typing on laptop

Learning Objectives of Next Generation Researcher Training

The training has five modules. Participants will:

Develop personal statements

of the benefits and drawbacks of collaborative research

Learn about different ways of knowing

and how to combine them to create the full picture

Learn about cultural competency and equity

along with the needed skills to put them into practice

Learn about levels of participation

for people with lived experience and caregivers

Broaden participant's thinking about depression

to include that which is secondary to physical illness and depression in other groups and cultures

Learn where to find people with lived experience

 and caregivers and how to prepare for an approach to their organizations

Review a how-to template for collaborative research

and a sample Memorandum of Understanding

Review the salient traits of collaborative research

and its practical day-to-day demands

Examine how to play to their strengths

in a collaborative research project

Examine implications

(good and bad) of current funding trends in Canada

Examine a practical how-to guide

for creating a knowledge translation plan

Practice translating academic language

into “plain language”